Thursday, July 10, 2008

Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Providers and the House

Last night, Members of the House of Representatives went to the House floor during a "Special Order Hour" (time given to Members who have reserved it to discuss a specific issue). The Republican Special Order was granted to Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) who chose to highlight the depravity of the abortion industry--and how our taxpayer dollars support it. Pro-life Members of the House joined Rep. Smith to discuss how the federal government needs to stop funding the abortion industry. Specifically, the tax-exempt "non-profit" organization Planned Parenthood who has raked in profits of over $700 million through the years. (Note: Due to the Hyde Amendment, federal funds can not directly pay for an abortion, but it doesn't prohibit the federal government from giving hundreds of millions of dollars to organizations like Planned Parenthood every year for "family planning purposes"--thus supplementing their already inflated funds.)

I wanted to link to a great article today that highlights one of the real pro-life fighters in the U.S. House today. She is a woman of great integrity, and fights for freedom daily.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is only a freshman Member, but she's effectively stood up against Democrats ten times her senior--and done it with grace. This article highlights much of Ms. Bachmann's House floor speech from last night, where she called Planned Parenthood the "Wal-Mart of big abortion."

previous posts for more on Planned Parenthood and their latest profits ...

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