Friday, May 2, 2008

The Story of Jill Stanek

I had the honor of meeting Jill this week, and having an opportunity to talk to her about her experiences. Her blog,, is the premier pro-life blog--getting thousands of hits a day. I encourage you to visit her blog daily, and read her updates. It will change your view on the issue, whichever side you happen to fall on. This is Jill's bio:

"I was a registered nurse in the Labor & Delivery Department at
Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, in 1999 when discovering babies were being aborted alive and shelved to die in the soiled utility room.

"Went public when hospital leaders said that they would not stop. The disclosure immediately grabbed the attention of legislators and media.

"Was asked to testify before a U.S. House committee in
2000 and 2001 for the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

"Was fired in August 2001 by Christ Hospital for reasons related to my public outspokenness to its abortion practices.

"Was invited by President George W. Bush for his August 2002 signing of the
Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which will protect live aborted children from infanticide. Was also asked to his signing of invitation when he signed the signed the Partial Birth Abortion Ban in November 2003, which will protect partially delivered babies from being killed by abortion (if the Supreme Court lets it stand).

"Was named by
World Magazine in January 2003 as one of 30 prominent pro-life leaders over the past 30 years, an honor more deserved by innumerable others, but appreciated nonetheless."