Thursday, May 1, 2008

UNC Professor Suggests Abortion for Down Syndrome Babies

Apparently it's not a disqualifier to be a Biology professor at the University Of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, to be prejudiced against people with disabilities.

According to a
recent article, a UNC biology professor, Albert Harris, told his embryology students that babies who have Down syndrome should be aborted. When asked to comment on whether or not he would encourage his wife to abort their disabled child, Mr. Harris responded that though he believes aborting a fetus with Down syndrome is the moral thing to do, “I don’t necessarily do the moral thing.” He then went on to say, “I don’t like to see anything die. I stopped doing herpetology and marine biology because it involved killing animals.” (Herpetology is the study of reptiles and amphibians). When asked to explain when he thinks life begins, Harris said “I say that life doesn’t begin. It continues, and it becomes more complicated, and eventually it becomes something that it’s definitely murder to kill."

Should Mr. Harris be interested in participating in a dialogue on this topic, the following questions could be posed: Do you consider a fetus to be alive, and if so, why do you consider killing something the moral thing to do? Furthermore, who do you suggest on aborting next?

The University has yet to take any action against Mr. Harris.

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