Friday, June 27, 2008

Obama's hypocrisy

This blog is not intended to be political in nature, but it's hard to seperate politics from my everyday life. That being said, I'd like to highlight an ad that you may be seeing on TV in the coming days.

The Family Research Council, who I work with often in my day job, is a nonprofit organization "dedicated to the promotion of marriage and family and the sanctity of human life in national policy." They recently released
an ad, featuring Tony Perkins, their President, with his infant son Sam (I'm partial to the name). The ad highlights a speech given a few weeks back on Father's Day where Senator Obama claimed that “We need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn’t just end at conception.” (Senator Obama was speaking about the problem of absent black fathers.) Mr. Perkins asks the question in the ad: If Senator Obama claims that fatherhood begins at conception, then when is a baby considered his child? Senator Obama has no problem with abortion--ending pregnancy--and destroying the "products of conception." But then he turns around and tells men that they become fathers at conception. Which is it Mr. Obama? When did your little girls become your daughters?

For more on the story, check out this
New York Times blog post.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Planned Parenthood Hits Suburbia--a MUST read!

Nothing says it better than the first three words in this Wall Street Journal article on Planned Parenthood--"flush with cash." That's right, Planned Parenthood (PPFA) reported a record $1 billion in annual revenue in its most recent financial report--with approximately a third of that money coming directly from the federal and state governments. PPFA finished the year with a surplus of $115 million. Interestingly, the federal government gave $337 million in taxpayer dollars to PPFA last year. Don't taxpayers have a problem with their tax dollars going to line the coffers of an organization which ends the year with surplus? (forget the fact that they are the number one abortion provider in the nation ...)

Furthermore, according to the article, PPFA is going to start using their surplus funds to "green" their clinics ... which leads to my next question, are American taxpayer dollars going to start paying for sustainable bamboo flooring in abortion clinics?

By putting new PPFA clinics into malls and wealthy suburbs, PPFA plans on becoming the "Lens Crafters" of the "family planning" industry. Sarah Stoesz, a head of operations for PPFA, believes that it's important to be in "places where women are already doing their grocery shopping, picking up their Starbucks, living their daily lives." For anyone who has heard the complaints lately from many in the African American community--calling PPFA a racist organization which targets poor black women--this seems a genius media ploy. Look! We are moving into suburban communities now!! Rest assured that PPFA is targeting the middle-class and wealthy just as much as the poor!!

Just a few more notes about the article: I would advise you all against going to the "crass-and-sassy Web campaign aimed at teens"--as it's softcore porn ( I can only pray that we don't allow our sex education to get so out of control that sex educators tell my sweet nephew to visit this website when he's in fifth grade. I wouldn't want him looking at it when he's fifty. Speaking of my nephew, the president of PPFA's Massachusetts affiliate--where said nephew lives--can't wait to "green" up her clinic by building with "recycled and eco-friendly material." While I applaud her effort to save the planet, maybe she should stop commiting infantacide first.

Abortion clinic operator is charged in felonies by San Diego County D.A.

In my time debating pro-aborts, I've often heard the argument that if we would just remove regulations on abortion and provide adequate government funding for abortion, rates of maternal mortality would decrease. Interestingly--as a side point--The World Mortality Report: 2005 reveals that in countries where abortions are performed most freely, we see the highest rates of maternal death. That fact aside, this sad story was in the LA Times on Saturday, highlighting a woman who was performing abortions on women without a medical license. Preying on women in the Hispanic community, the woman performed abortions and prescribed drugs to pregnant women.

In the state of California--where
abortions are funded by the state government through Medi-Cal. Kinda shoots their argument outta the water, no?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Greener Side of Me

For those who know me well, know that I'm definitely a bit "green"--in other words, I attempt to be conscious of the earth around me. I attempt to eat as organically as possible and I pay attention to how my actions affect the environment. That being said, I know my priorities. Recently, a friend of mine shared a t-shirt concept with me that she had stumbled upon. I thought that it warranted a post here.

Yes, I know that you can do both--save trees and babies. But I still think that it's witty and clever. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Another Survivor

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal printed an op-ed on Gianna Jessen--a woman who is a 31-year old survivor of a saline abortion--and the candidacy of Obama. For those of you rolling your eyes thinking, Sarah, who we elect for President should be based on more than his/her position on abortion, I ask you to read this op-ed.

But you're right, who we elect for President is about far more than his/her position on abortion. It's about extremism and the fundamental principles that guide his/her decisions. Read this op-ed, and let me know if you still want Sen. Obama leading this country into the future.

Baby Survives Abortion (and will live to learn what his parents tried to do to him)

Please brace yourself for this post--as I'm having trouble writing about it.

News out of the U.K. yesterday tells the story of a little boy who survived the most barbaric practice still legal in many western countries--a medical abortion.

Finley Crampton, a wide-eyed pudgy baby boy, survived a medical abortion procedure, which his Mother and Father procured from a hospital, when he was only eight weeks in utero.

I'm shocked into silence when I read this statement from Finley's Mother, "Deciding to terminate at eight weeks was just utterly horrible, but I couldn't cope with the anguish of losing another baby." Ironically, she was willing to cope with the anguish of killing her unborn child, but not with the thought of allowing him to die of natural causes, should that be his destiny.

The Mother goes on in her story to say, "At first I was angry that this was happening to us, that the procedure had failed. I wrote to the hospital, I couldn't believe that they had let me down like this. They wrote back and apologized and said it was very rare." Interestingly, I think that a woman who puts out a hit on her husband--and found out that it was unsuccessful--would have a similar response.

Finally, Finley's Mother comments on his appearance saying, "I just couldn't believe that this child had got through it all and looked so perfect." All that I can say is that I hope and pray that one day, when Finley is old enough to understand what his parents attempted, that he won't be angry or hurt--but have the strength and heart to help other victims of this barbaric procedure that some in America hold as such a fundamental right.