Friday, June 6, 2008

Baby Survives Abortion (and will live to learn what his parents tried to do to him)

Please brace yourself for this post--as I'm having trouble writing about it.

News out of the U.K. yesterday tells the story of a little boy who survived the most barbaric practice still legal in many western countries--a medical abortion.

Finley Crampton, a wide-eyed pudgy baby boy, survived a medical abortion procedure, which his Mother and Father procured from a hospital, when he was only eight weeks in utero.

I'm shocked into silence when I read this statement from Finley's Mother, "Deciding to terminate at eight weeks was just utterly horrible, but I couldn't cope with the anguish of losing another baby." Ironically, she was willing to cope with the anguish of killing her unborn child, but not with the thought of allowing him to die of natural causes, should that be his destiny.

The Mother goes on in her story to say, "At first I was angry that this was happening to us, that the procedure had failed. I wrote to the hospital, I couldn't believe that they had let me down like this. They wrote back and apologized and said it was very rare." Interestingly, I think that a woman who puts out a hit on her husband--and found out that it was unsuccessful--would have a similar response.

Finally, Finley's Mother comments on his appearance saying, "I just couldn't believe that this child had got through it all and looked so perfect." All that I can say is that I hope and pray that one day, when Finley is old enough to understand what his parents attempted, that he won't be angry or hurt--but have the strength and heart to help other victims of this barbaric procedure that some in America hold as such a fundamental right.