Friday, June 27, 2008

Obama's hypocrisy

This blog is not intended to be political in nature, but it's hard to seperate politics from my everyday life. That being said, I'd like to highlight an ad that you may be seeing on TV in the coming days.

The Family Research Council, who I work with often in my day job, is a nonprofit organization "dedicated to the promotion of marriage and family and the sanctity of human life in national policy." They recently released
an ad, featuring Tony Perkins, their President, with his infant son Sam (I'm partial to the name). The ad highlights a speech given a few weeks back on Father's Day where Senator Obama claimed that “We need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn’t just end at conception.” (Senator Obama was speaking about the problem of absent black fathers.) Mr. Perkins asks the question in the ad: If Senator Obama claims that fatherhood begins at conception, then when is a baby considered his child? Senator Obama has no problem with abortion--ending pregnancy--and destroying the "products of conception." But then he turns around and tells men that they become fathers at conception. Which is it Mr. Obama? When did your little girls become your daughters?

For more on the story, check out this
New York Times blog post.