Thursday, June 26, 2008

Abortion clinic operator is charged in felonies by San Diego County D.A.

In my time debating pro-aborts, I've often heard the argument that if we would just remove regulations on abortion and provide adequate government funding for abortion, rates of maternal mortality would decrease. Interestingly--as a side point--The World Mortality Report: 2005 reveals that in countries where abortions are performed most freely, we see the highest rates of maternal death. That fact aside, this sad story was in the LA Times on Saturday, highlighting a woman who was performing abortions on women without a medical license. Preying on women in the Hispanic community, the woman performed abortions and prescribed drugs to pregnant women.

In the state of California--where
abortions are funded by the state government through Medi-Cal. Kinda shoots their argument outta the water, no?